Sep 21Liked by Wayno®

Way off topic but have you seen Shemp Howard in Salt Water Daffy? I have it recorded and haven't watched yet? Here is the IMDB. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0185658/

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There's always room for Shemp!

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Great comics as always. Love the terrapin one.

I have fond memories for mixtapes that I don’t have for commercial albums on tape. Partly because with albums being different lengths on each side of vinyl often you would have a big long gap at the end of a the tape version . And with fast forwarding it it would stretch the tape and ultimately distort the music on the other side. If you were good at mixtapes you would make sure you had music that exactly fitted both sides. I wasn’t good and I nearly always had music that cut out halfway through. But that was better than a long silent bit.

I’m one of the few people that still enjoys CDs and making my own playlist for my little iPods. Lots of music I like and I don’t have to pay Spotify and no ads!

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Thanks, Alex! Filling a cassette was a real artform!

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Sep 21Liked by Wayno®

To some the 1924 date on the Sam Meyer t-shirt might seem ancient, but for those of us born in 1945, it is just as familiar as the 2024 date. Time is relative—it’s what’s done with it that gives it meaning.

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Very true, Jeff.

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Sep 21Liked by Wayno®

Love your eclectic mixed tape! I sent it to my 25 year-old son, who is also a writer, and likes to listen to the "classics".

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Thanks, Kerri! I hope he enjoys it.

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I love the mixtape! Great music to draw by!

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Sep 21Liked by Wayno®

We too had computer boxes in the attic. For some reason we kept them. Those computers were ok part of our daily wake up plan: boot up/shower, turn on in exact order-brush teeth, connect to internet via external modem-get dressed, etc. Now we fume if a screen takes longer than 20 seconds to load. 😁

Commodore 64-hot stuff!

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I remember that! We are spoiled, aren't we!

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Sep 21Liked by Wayno®

Glad to hear the Captain in your collection of tunes. As you know, much, much more of his music would have been appropriate on that list.

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Oh yeah! I’m a big fan of the good Captain. He created a whole world in his music.

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